Friday, August 29, 2008

Don't Delay

So, back two weeks ago, on my first day of school, my government teacher had the following quote on his board: "You may delay, but time will not." ~ Benjamin Franklin

He of course asked us what we thought it meant. At the time I had thoughts but, really wasn't sure what it meant. But, over the weeks I've been thinking about it off and on. I've tried to think and put into words what I thought of it.

I think that what Benjamin Franklin is trying to say is that you can try and avoid your reality, put it off for a bit, and just wrap yourself up in your own world but time is still going to move forward. The real world around you is going to keep right on moving. Things may happen in life, maybe shake you up but that doesn't stop the grand picture of things. If you get too wrapped up in that little bubble you've created where nothing changes, nothing hurts you, then you could miss out on a lot. You can't live in the past. You have to live in the here and now. Time will keep ticking as long as God allows it, and refusing to keep up with it could result in precious moments wasted. Moments you'll never be able to get back. So you have to keep moving forward no matter what.

That's just my opinion on it.

What do you think of that quote?


Jo said...

Awesome post. I like the way you think.. Thanks for going to the ame with me..

retrobellewife said...

I'd say I definately agree. You explained it just as I would. The thing is, I have been doing just that for years. Until recently, I thought I could stop time, go at my own pace about everything, and everything would be okay because that is how I chose to see it. Instead, I have realized I missed out on so many thoughts and experiences, because I never dared to step out just a little more. Then, of course, I had to basically jump out there and when I did, I realized it isn't as bad as I thought after all. What I imagined would happen, what people would be like, was right, but it didn't kill me, shock me, nor stop me from living. I have to be me, take care of me, think like me, and keep going. God has not giving me this life, this heart, this mind without wanting me to use it.
By the way, I left comments on all of your posts starting from the last in July!